

Country Activator

Performance Coach

French | English | Dutch


Philippe Remacle is a perfect example of what he teaches in his coaching sessions for individuals and teams. With his dedication to triathlon and Ironman competitions during the weekends and his preparation during the week, he is a ‘corporate athlete’ in his profession and a role model for the Mentally Fit programs. His daily life reflects a balance between body, mind and spirit and he has learned perfectly how to manage his energy.

Philippe has joined Mentally Fit in 2004 and was initially in charge of the sales department. With his experience as a marketing manager, this added great value to the company. Now, he supercharges individuals, teams and organizations with energy in his coaching sessions and as a client partner.


Country Manager Mentally Fit France

Client partner and business coach for Mentally Fit
MBTI certified

Ironman competitor (long distance triathlon)

Mental trainer, Rugby Club Soignies (since Oct 2009), winner Belgian Cup 2010

Chairman Triathlon Club Grimbergen (2002-2004)

Marketing manager and team lead in corporate environment (since 1997)

Licence in Business Administration, ULg (1997)



No individual is perfect but a team can be.

Philippe Remacle IN ACTION
