Federica started her career 20 years ago in the HR Department at Telesoft, a Telecom Italia ICT Company, taking care of talent acquisition, employer branding, onboarding and learning. She soon discovered her passion for empowering people while exploring multiple HR functions, taking care of people development & management, organization & training. She developed a profound curiosity for coaching techniques, curiosity that became a passion once abroad.
About 10 years ago she had the great opportunity to move abroad with her family, living and working in different countries (Portugal, France, Argentina and USA) and since then she has been enjoying an international life, benefiting from its opportunities and coping with its challenges. The curiosity of exploring new and more effective ways to overcome obstacles in life and the belief that there are hundred’s ways to make one’s life excellent are at the base of her coaching philosophy.
After an intensive training with the most accredited coaching schools in South and North America and with the support of neuroscience, she achieved her goal to empower people by helping individuals discover what really motivates them and learn how to cope with challenges and to live and perform at their best. She proudly helped managers and professionals to get clarity on their purposes, building confidence in themselves, as well as to forge powerful professional relationship with leadership while improving balance in personal and professional life. Her international and multicultural solid background, that has its roots in her direct experience abroad, as well as in her university education, helps her successfully support clients internationally by leveraging cross-cultural acumen.
Coach & trainer at Mentally Fit and country manager for USA (since 2020)
Leadership facilitator (in Spanish language) at Conscious Business Coaching Plus (2018 - 2019)
Cross-Cultural Management Certification at Elia Business School of Michigan State University (2019)
Caliper Assessment Tool Certification, Caliper Management Princeton, NJ
Member of International Coaching Federation (since 2019) in the process for the Accreditation as ACC
Executive coach (since 2017)
Certified in Brain-Based Coaching at The NeuroLeadership Institute of David Rock, New York (2018)
Certified as conscious business coach, at Conscious Business Center of Fred Kofman, Buenos Aires (2016 - 2017)
Master's degree in Human Resources Development at Roman School of Work & Organizational Psychology, Rome, Italy
Master's degree in Art in Russian Literature and Language at “La Sapienza” University in Rome, Italy
IQ is not contagious, EQ is contagious. Energy is contagious.